Sunday, October 17, 2010

Some new bug pics

Here are some cool pics Steven took with his camera.. Good job but Im glad I didnt have to get that close!!!

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Some Recent Nature Pics

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This is a wolf spider.. EEEK !!

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The above pictures were random acts of photography on Steven’s behalf. He has an eye for nature and beauty like no one I’ve ever seen.

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Those are some of the better red tail hawk pics we took.


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Vultures… ewe..

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Some of the Irises Steven grew for me..


Queen Annes Lace

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A perfect shot of a bald eagle flying overhead near the Delaware.


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Blue birds


This praying mantis picture won us an award and is a published work now!!

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Dragonfly , Cicada shell and morning glory with a bee butt lol.

Day One

This is the first blog we are doing which we will share with you all our Nature Pics.  We were putting them on our Family Matters Blog,  but with all that goes on, and how much we are into Nature, we decided to give Nature its own blog. So here goes. Sit back, enjoy our pictures !!!!